The Peer services (peerCARE) of the University Medical Centre Hamburg are all developed in a participatory manner; together with peer support workers, service users, and carers. The UKE was involved in developing the Experienced Involvement EX-IN peer training, now with 35 training locations in Germany, organised in the umbrella organisation EX-IN Germany that is delivered since 2007. 2011 one-to-one peer support was implemented for individuals with severe mental health conditions (bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis, borderline personality disorder) accessible from in – and outpatient services. Along went the development of an EX-IN family peer support training and implementation of dual peer teams were installed and expanded to all ten clinical mental health facilities in Hamburg. The intervention was found to increase the perception of self efficacy in individuals with severe mental health conditions significantly.
Since 2014 peer support was expanded to inpatient services at several units, including depression, trauma, and acute inpatient care.
Finally peer support was implemented in assertive community treatment and crisis resolution teams in the stepped care model RECOVER. A specific peer supported home treatment intervention HoPe, with peer delivered aftercare is delivered in nine mental health facilities throughout Germany.
In 2018 an international peer training program UPSIDES was developed to prepare peers for their work at sites in Israel, India, Uganda, Tanzania, and Germany. The ongoing interventional project aims at the social inclusion of individuals with severe mental health conditions and provides support in the community.
In cooperation with Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg and EX-IN the co-produced project ImpPeer Psy5 aims to develop evidence based practical guidelines for peer support in clinical care.
Several peer led group interventions, like recovery groups or a group intervention for carers are provided, as well as open activities and cultural events, organised and provided within a large peer network in Hamburg.
The Peer services (peerCARE) of the University Medical Center Hamburg are all developed in a participatory manner; together with peer support workers, service users and carers. The UKE was involved in developing the Experienced Involvement EX-IN peer training, now with 35 training locations in Germany, organized in the umbrella organisation EX-IN Germany that is delivered since 2007. 2011 one-to-one peer support was implemented for individuals with severe mental health conditions (bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis, borderline personality disorder) accessible from in – and outpatient services. Along went the development of an EX-IN family peer
Definition of terms. The term ‘peer’ is usually used to refer to an individual who shares the experience of living with mental health conditions.
Peer training refers to a protocol/ curriculum that has been developed to empower peers to assist others who experience mental health crisis (including as a carer/ relative, etc.).
Peer support refers to involving peers to support others who experience mental health crisis in a process of encouragement, support,communication,sharingofskillsand knowledge, promote recovery and empowerment.
Involving individuals with lived experience also as advisors (for research; scientific advisory board EmPeeRie NoW) and as peer- researchers, leading their own projects has a unique history at the UKE. The perspective of individuals with lived experience are considered crucial in conducting meaningful research with less stigma, broader impact and acceptance.