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The interdisciplinary clinical research area has a strong focus, including providing targeted healthcare, on hard-to-reach and difficult-to-treat people with mental disorders in the context of psychosocial challenges of a large metropolitan area. Based on neuroscientific evidence, the consideration of early in life risk factors, substance use and comorbidities together with targeted and systematized early recognition constitutes a research field where psychotherapy for psychosis, chronic depression, anorexia, and somatic symptom and related disorders (SSDs) have been successfully developed and implemented in complex healthcare models, clinical practice, public education, policy, and several guidelines. The governing principle of this research area is the involvement of service users at eye-level, including their families, and the development of innovative and low threshold interventions to improve adherence in samples with complex needs such as serious mental illness in adolescents, multimorbidity, refugees and forensically relevant disorders. This principle is also guiding the development and evaluation of complex e-mental-health interventions with a special focus on usability, feasibility and an individual therapeutic strategy. In addition, we are committed to (public) de-stigmatization and sensitization, as well as individually meeting the needs of people affected by serious mental illness, including the subjective side/ meaning making or sense and individual perspectives (the subjective side of psychosis approach was introduced by MH-TRN researcher Thomas Bock, e.g. see publication), prevention of coercion or ‘forensification’, or needs for social and home-based care.