Crisis Resolution Team (CRT)

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Crisis Resolution Team (CRT)

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Care models
Crisis Resolution Team (CRT)

SAs part of the RECOVER model, the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf has implemented the mental healthcare model ’Crisis Resolution Team (CRT)’. CRT includes short-term assertive acute treatment. CRT is defined as a “specialist, multi- professional, and, if necessary, interdisciplinary team with the task of providing temporary acute treatment at home for patients in acute phases of mental illness”.

Team structures

  • Multi-professional: doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, recovery companions
  • Interdisciplinary: Adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatics, general medicine, sexual medicine/forensics, supported employment
  • Experts for crisis intervention

Core tasks

  • Evidence-based, flexible, outreach, follow-up, intensive, and short-term acute treatment in the home environment
  • 24h/day crisis intervention
  • Acute board for planning and coordination of acute treatment
  • Pharmacological, psychological, social and somatic treatments and their coordination
  • Treatment until the crisis is over or the patient is stabilised
  • Support in planning and overcoming future crises
  • Organisation of the treatment plan and transfer to further treatment
  • Renewed crisis intervention if necessary

Lambert M, Kraft V (2017) Manual 4: Evidence-based Implementation, Certification and Auditing of Crisis Resolution Teams (CRTs); Last accessed: WWW.RECOVER-HAMBURG.DE/PUBLIKATIONEN (accessed July 16, 2018)

SAs part of the RECOVER model, the University Medical Center Hamburg has implemented the mental health care model ’Crisis Resolution Team (CRT)’. CRT includes short-term assertive acute treatment. CRT is defined as a “specialist, multi- professional and, if necessary, interdisciplinary team with the task of providing temporary acute treatment at home for patients in acute phases of mental illness”.

Lambert M, Kraft V (2017) Manual 4: Evidence-based Implementation, Certification and Auditing of Crisis Resolution Teams (CRTs); Last accessed: WWW.RECOVER-HAMBURG.DE/PUBLIKATIONEN (accessed July 16, 2018)

Team structures

  • Multi-professional: doctors, psychologists, nursing, social workers, recovery companions
  • Interdisciplinary: Adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatics, general medicine, sexual medicine/forensics, supported employment
  • Experts for crisis intervention

Core tasks

  • Evidence-based, flexible, outreach, follow-up, intensive and short-term acute treatment in the home environment
  • 24h/day crisis intervention
  • Acute board for planning and coordination of acute treatment
  • Pharmacological, psychological, social and somatic treatments and their coordination
  • Treatment until the crisis is over or the patient is stabilized
  • Support in planning and overcoming future crises
  • Organization of the treatment plan and transfer to further treatment
  • Renewed crisis intervention if necessary