E-Mental-Health platform ( eRECOVER)

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E-Mental-Health platform ( eRECOVER)

Translational mental health strategy

Cooperating institutions

Core research areas


Infrastructure & facilities


Education & training

Translational impact

Care models

eRECOVER is the synonym of a new e-mental health platform, which is being developed within the RECOVER project as part of the RECOVER model. eRECOVER consists of two parts:

1. eRECOVER Portal: a public website explaining the contents and functionalities of the eRECOVER therapy room and the

2. eRECOVER therapy room: the protected area of the e-mental health platform with the contents eConsulting, eDiagnostics, eTherapy

Development of an e-mental health platform with following features:

  • Content management system (CMS)
  • Adaptive and disease-specific diagnostics for 16 mental disorders with automatic patient feedback
  • 9 DiGAs for 14 different mental illnesses
  • Highest standards of information security and privacy
  • Applicable as self-therapy, guided and blended therapy