Health economics

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Health economics

Translational mental health strategy

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Health economics


Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmut König

Dept. of Health Economics and
Health Services Research
, Centre for Psychosocial Medicine, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 7410 – 54464

Prof. Dr.
Jonas Schreyögg

Dept. of Healthcare Management, Hamburg Centre for Health Economics, Faculty of Business Administration

Tel.: +49 40 42838-8041

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 7410 – 54464

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 42838 – 8041

Overview and aims

This research consortium is dedicated to the following aims:

  1. To evaluate novel health care modes economically and compare them with care-as-usual.
  2. To identify economically efficient vs. non-efficient system characteristics and inform change (e.g. policy, system structures optimization).

Research approaches and relevance

H.-H. König and J. Schreyögg (scientific director) are members of the Hamburg Centre of Health Economics (HCHE; image brochure). The HCHE is located at Universität Hamburg and involves researchers both from Universität Hamburg and Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf. It is Germany’s largest academic centre for health economic research. Both researchers have ample experience in economically evaluating health care models, including models for serious mental illness. J. Schreyögg, is an expert in the field of organization and reimbursement of healthcare providers and the healthcare system in general. This is exemplified by his lead role in research on the novel German reimbursement system for psychiatric/ psychological staff (PEPP System). In addition, he advises policy makers, also in his role as Member of the German Council of Experts in Health Care at the German Federal Ministry of Health. His expertise furthermore focuses on structural aspects of the healthcare system (e.g. shift systems, staffing, structure and organization of units e.g. departments or stations, including their design, in a psychiatric ward) on overall efficiency. He is equipped to further investigate which setting optimally suits which client group at which costs.


H.-H. König together with his colleague Dr. Brettschneider represent the German Association for Health Economy (DGGÖ) in the guideline commission for borderline personality disorder. He and his team are nationally leading in accompanying care model studies concerning economic evaluation of therapeutic interventions (psychiatric, psychotherapeutic; e.g. in cooperation with MH-TRN PI M. Lambert in RECOVER). He coordinates several studies on health services for different target groups (including groups with special needs such as refugees or the elderly) and concerning changes in structural aspects of the healthcare system, e.g. economic evaluation of eHealth-based case management in primary care.

These researchers, with their according teams and infrastructure, are excellently suited to assure efficiency and further implementation of novel care models or other changes into the healthcare system.

Selected present research projects

PECUNIAProgrammE in Costing, resource use measurement and outcome valuation for Use in multi-sectoral National and International health economic evaluAtions. Demographic change and technical advancements dramatically increased EU healthcare costs – particularly concerning long-term and multi-morbid, as well as mental health diseases, which poses a heavy financial burden to European healthcare systems. PECUNIA, with H.-H. König as part of the coordinating committee and as principal researcher, aims to develop new standardised, harmonised and validated methods for the assessment of costs and outcomes of healthcare interventions within and across European countries.

PREMA: e-health-based case-management in primary care – economic evaluation. With several national partners (e.g. Munich, Frankfurt am Main) including health insurance associations, H.-H. König as coordinator investigates and economically evaluates a novel case-management system for individuals with mental illness in primary care.

Selected research networks involving researchers from the MH-TRN

German Health Economic Association – Committee for Economic Evalution and Decision Making. H.H. König is member of this national committee, which informs national policy and decision making with economic expertise and research.

International Health Economics Association. Mental Health Economics Special Interest Group. H.H. König is official member of this association which assembles 53 scientists from academic institutions worldwide

European Training Netowork – Improving Quality of Care in Europe. Coordinated by J. Schreyögg and T. Stargardt, the aim of this network is to train young scientists concerning the research agenda and necessary methods to improve the quality and performance of European health care systems considering the six dimensions of health care quality as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO): effectiveness; safety; efficiency; access; equitability; and acceptability.