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Translational mental health strategy

Cooperating institutions

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Superordinate infrastructures at site

Centre for Psychosocial Medicine

The Centre for Psychosocial Medicine includes eleven departments of which the following seven are represented by researchers of the MH-TRN. Our ‘task force’ and infrastructure provide an optimal, highly cooperative basis for research on serious, chronic and complex mental health problems.

Cooperating institutions:

  • Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  • Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  • Department of Medical Psychology
  • Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
  • Department of Health Economics and Health Services Research
  • Institute of Medical Sociology
  • Institute of Sexual Medicine, Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry

Centre for Experimental Medicine

The Centre for Experimental Medicine in total comprises 16 Department/ Institutes in total, covering diverse research topics and bridging these topics and the interdisciplinary researchers translationally (e.g., Biometry, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Cardiovascular Research, etc.). This centre contributes to MH-TRN with researchers from two departments.

Cooperating institutions:

  • Department of Systems Neuroscience
  • Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology

Centre for Molecular Neurobiology

The Centre of Molecular Neurobiology includes 5 departments, of which the Dept. of Developmental Neurophysiology is directly involved in the MH-TRN. It is specialized in understanding neural network development in health and disease with a particular focus on miswiring/miscoupling in psychiatric disorders. Optogenetics and chemogenetics (both in vivo and in vitro), electrophysiological stimulation/ recording, neuroanatomy (axonal tracing, electron microscopy), rodent behaviour, and according laboratory equipment as well as advanced analysis methods are integral part of the Department.

Cooperating institution:

  • Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology

Centre for Obstetrics and Pediatrics

The Centre for Obstetrics and Pediatrics consists of 5 departments of which the Laboratory for Experimental Feto-Maternal Medicine contributes to the MH-TRN with infrastructure and data related to the PRINCE cohort. Infrastructure includes a laboratory for immunological analyses, membership of MH-TRN researcher P. Arck in the Hamburg Centre for Translational Immunology, a yet virtual institute for which 45 million € have recently been awarded to build a state-of-the-art research building on campus, which will be completed in 2023.

Cooperating institution:

  • Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine

Faculty of Psychology and Movement Sciences

The Faculty of Psychology and Movement Sciences currently has 15 psychological professorships and one junior professorship. The Institute of Psychology recently established the novel study system for direct acquisition of a degree in psychotherapy (Master).

Cooperating institutions:

  • Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Department of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology

Faculty of Business Administration

With more than 25 chairs (professors) and 8 junior professors, the Faculty of Business Administration, including Hamburg Business School has an excellent education portfolio in general (top-ranked within the CHE Ranking of German universities), and cooperates intensively with national and international scientists, businesses, industry, and nonprofit organizations.

Cooperating institution:

Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB)

The MPIB is the only external partner of our network, located in Berlin. The researchers there will contribute their expertise in healthy lifespan development including methodological expertise in study design and multivariate data analysis. The MPIB comprises four research centres and the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neurosciences (led by Kühn, who is also a Heisenberg Professor at the Centre for Psychosocial Medicine at UKE).

Cooperating institutions:

  • Centre for Lifespan Psychology
  • Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research
  • Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neurosciences

Center for Health Care Research (CHCR)

The CHCR is an institution of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and the University of Hamburg (UHH). It is the task of the CHCR to promote and support health care research at the UKE and the University of Hamburg.

In Hamburg, the CHCR brings together numerous institutions that are successful in the field of health services research and competently cover relevant topics and methodological areas of internationally competitive health services research.

These include special epidemiological, meta-analytical and health economic research methods, regional, supraregional and international networking with research-related cooperation partners (practices, clinics, health insurance companies, pension insurance companies, research institutions and many more) and established organizational structures that have made the successful development of the CHCR possible.

In addition, the young CHCR (yCHCR ) was founded in 2016, an interdisciplinary network that represents the young scientists within the CHCR and offers them a platform for networking and cooperation.

Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE)

The HCHE is a joint institution of the UKE and the UHH integrating economic and social science competencies as well as comprehensive medical expertise. Over 60 researchers and scientists at HCHE work on solutions for actual and future questions in the field of healthcare and health economics to cope successfully with challenges of any kind in this sector.

The HCHE focuses on six main fields of research: financing health care, economic evaluations, outpatient and inpatient care, pharmaceutical markets, population health and Big Data & Digital Health.

A unique feature of the center is its highly interdisciplinary set-up, a result of the integration of physicians and economists. Founded in 2010, HCHE has already become one of the largest centers for health economics research in Europe. The center receives support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for its further expansion.

Centre for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research (ZIS)

 The ZIS combines the expertise and research resources of four medical departments of the UKE (Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Dept. of Medical Psychology, Dept. of Legal Medicine, Dept. of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene) and three social science departments of the UHH (Institute for Political Science, Institute for Sociology, Institute for Criminological Social Science). The ZIS integrates the excellence of healthcare experts (medical doctors, psychologists, epidemiologists, health scientists) and social science experts (sociologists, criminologists) in research on substance and non-substance associated addiction disorders and their consequences.

Hamburg Centre of Neuroscience (HCNS)

The HCNS involves more than 400 scientists and doctoral students, 27 institutes and clinical departments mainly located at UKE and UHH. The scientific scope is broad, including molecular, animal, cognitive, computational and clinical neuroscience. It comprises several CRCs (CRC 936 – Multi-Site Communication in the Brain, TRR 169 Crossmodal Learning: Adaptivity, Prediction and Interaction), TRR 58 Fear Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders, and TRR 289 Treatment Expectation research groups (e.g. FOR 2419 – Plasticity versus Stability – Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Strength), focus programs (Priority program 1665 – Resolving and Manipulating Neuronal Networks in the Mammalian Brain – From Correlative to causal analyses) and further DFG-, BMBF-, and EU-funded projects, such as IMAGEN. One focus of the HCNS is brain plasticity and the development of interventions to target circumscribed functions relevant to mental illness (e.g., impulsivity). National and international partners include, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Stanford University, University College London (UCL), and Harvard Medical School. The majority of MH-TRN PIs in the field of basic science are involved in the HCNS.

Hamburg Network for Health Services Research (HAM-NET)

In 2016, the Centre for Health Care Research (CHCR) at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the University of Hamburg, with the support of numerous partners in the region, received BMBF funding for structural development in health care research. As a result, the CHCR invites all institutions in the Hamburg region that are involved and interested in health care research to participate in the newly founded Hamburg Network for Health Care Research (HAM-NET).


  • Initiation of sustainable cooperation
  • Linking health services research with all relevant actors
  • Synergies between research institutions and utilities
  • Promotion of research activities
  • Opening of new fields of research
  • Use of methodological and clinical expertise
  • Promotion of young scientists

Mental Health Network (psychenet)

The portal was developed within the project psychenet – Hamburg Network for Mental Health (2011 to 2015) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). psychenet. de offers scientifically based information on common mental illnesses as well as other topics related to mental health.

The information is produced by project staff, taking into account current treatment guidelines (i.e. systematic compilations designed to help practitioners and patients make decisions about appropriate treatment) and current literature. They are regularly updated and reflect the latest scientific findings. also offers information on the German mental health care system. Self-tests for common mental health problems offer a possibility to get a first assessment of whether a mental illness might be present in case of existing mental complaints. A diagnosis is then made by a doctor or psychotherapist. Materials for education about mental illness, which were developed in the course of the project’s media campaign, are also made available. The portal is coordinated, maintained and further developed by the Institute and Polyclinic for Medical Psychology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.