Patient/family involvement

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Patient/family involvement

Translational mental health strategy

Cooperating institutions

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Translational impact

Learn more about how we empower service users


To empower individuals who experience mental illness is a top-priority goal of our network. Mental illness is common, yet stigma is still a common problem, too. To sensitize the public and institutions, including their staff, about the consequences of stigma, and to convey the perspective and needs of individuals with mental illness and their carers (incl. family and social network) is a characteristic strength of the MH-TRN. We view individuals with mental illness as experts, who can support others in the process of recovery (experienced involvement), which both demonstrates the strengths that individuals possess in overcoming adversity, and to empower themselves to assist others. The ‘user perspective’ of individuals who are in need of care, communication at eye level about therapeutic goals, expectations, progress evaluation and treatment success is of utmost importance to us, which is supported by scientific evidence of more favourable outcomes.