Peer supported literacy and research

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Peer supported literacy and research

Translational mental health strategy

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Peer Support & Involvement

Peer support has a long tradition in informal services and today complements mental healthcare promoting recovery orientation and destigmatisation. Reflecting the values and principles of informal peer support and of trialogue activities of service users, carers, and professionals helps to improve mental health services. Involvement of individuals with lived experience has a long tradition at MH-TRN.  

The UKE was centrally involved in and shaped the S-3 national guidelines for psychosocial therapies for SMI, the treatment of psychotic disorders, including participatory approaches (Trialogue, peer support, EX-IN). As a consequence of these and many other efforts, peers were officially recognised as a professional group by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).

We join forces and cooperate with different organisations and networks in order to promote destigmatisation, sensitisation for the perspectives and needs of individuals with mental health conditions, valuing their experience and those of carers and family members. We emphasise communication and decisions at eye-level, and a systemic (holistic) individualised view on the individual and his or her recovery.

Cooperation partners of the MH-TRN are, among others:

The Early Intervention Service (EIS) of the University Medical Centre Hamburg was founded in 2003 as Early Psychosis Service (EPS) for the early detection and intervention of psychosis in cooperation between adult psychiatry and child and youth psychiatry for adolescents and young adults aged 15-29 years. In 2010 the EPS was expanded to an Early Intervention Service (EIS) for all mental disorders in adolescents and young adults aged 12-29 years.

Cooperation partners of the MH-TRN are, among others: