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Research facilities

Translational mental health strategy

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Research facilities and groups at site

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

The Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy includes inpatient (9 inpatient wards), day-clinic (7 diagnosis-specific day-clinics), and outpatient facilities as well as early detection services within the Early Intervention Service (600 patients per year), CRT (Crisis Resolution Team), ACT (Assertive Community Treatment); (approximately 300-400 ongoing patients with SMI), peer support and family interventions, as well digital therapy. In addition, the clinic provides integrated and stepped care with a specialized integrated care unit for psychoses, bipolar disorders, and borderline personality disorders. Another specialised department section is the coordinating centre for traumatised refugees (CENTRA; 260 patients per year). In total: 2.800 inpatients and 1.050 day-clinic patients are treated and 11.000 outpatient or alternative (stepped, home, etc. model care) treatments are delivered per year, with about 8.400 outpatient contacts for SMI (defined here as: F20.x, F31.x, F33.2/ F33.3, F60.31).

Research groups

  • Neuroimaging
  • Biological psychiatry
  • Geriatric psychiatry
  • Neuroplasticity
  • ClinicalNeuropsychology
  • Serious mental illness, early detection, and integrated care
  • Social psychiatric and participatory research
  • Trauma and stress research

Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

The Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy has 60 beds in total and an additional specialization in family-oriented interventions. In total, about 5.688 treatments, and up to 200 family-based treatments of children of mentally ill parents or for families of chronically ill children are realized per year.
An outpatient facility for mentally ill children’s parents is also available. The department offers outpatient (4.813 per year) and inpatient treatment (716 per year), with a strong focus on somatoform and functional as well as eating disorders, but also others such as obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders.

Research groups:

  • Child Public Health
  • Epidemiology and evaluation
  • Family research and psychotherapy
  • Early development
  • Gender identity of children and adolescents
  • Prenatal influences

Department of Medical Psychology

The Dept. of Medical Psychology with its associated outpatient clinic offers psycho-social and psychotherapeutic support within a unique program for patients and families with chronic somatic health conditions (especially with cancer, HIV, or in need of organ transplantation). In total, about 2.800 outpatient treatments are delivered per year.

Research groups:

  • Clinical care research of mental disorders
  • Clinical Health Care Research in Oncology
  • Design and Statistical Data Analysis
  • Existential Distress in Severe Illness
  • Evidence-based medicine and mental illnesses
  • Health and Participatory Research
  • Health-related Quality of Life
  • Migration and Psychosocial Health (MiPH)
  • Patient-centered health care and e-health
  • Patient-centered care: evaluation and implementation
  • Prevention
  • Research on substance abuse and rehabilitation
  • Psychooncology
  • Transplant Psychology

Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy

The Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy is focused on depressive and anxiety disorders in the context of physical illness or personal crises, on somatoform and functional disorders, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, chronic pain as well as psychological reactions after serious life changes, adversities, or in response to chronic stress. In total, about 2600 outpatient and inpatient treatments are delivered per year.

Research groups:

  • Somatoform and functional disorders
  • Physical illnesses
  • Eating Disorders
  • Diagnostics and Psychometry
  • Training and education research
  • Intervention research
  • Expectactancies/expectations
  • Depression

Department of Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry

The Dept. of Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry with its associated outpatient clinic for sexual health and transgender care as well as for violence prevention and a prison psychiatry service, provides psychotherapeutic and medical support in relation to problems associated with forensic psychiatry, sexual health and transgender issues.

Research groups:

  • Health services research
  • Sociological sex research
  • Forensic sex research
  • Fundamental/Basic research

Department of Medical Sociology

The Dept. of Medical Sociology is dedicated to training, education and research in areas such
as social inequalities, public mental health, migration/cultural diversity and health. The training content on medical sociology and the other courses taught by the institute are part of the iMed course of medical studies within the revised medical curriculum of UKE.

Research groups:

  • Social inequalities
  • Patient Orientation and Self-help
  • Migration/Cultural Diversity and Health
  • Public Mental Health
  • Health and health care among the aged

Department of Health Economics and Health Services Research

The Dept. of Health Economics and Health Services Research has been responsible for the health economic analyses in numerous local and nationwide research projects in the field of mental health over the last decade. Cost analyses, economic evaluations, and methodological research are its main field of expertise. Its structure and the qualification of its members also facilitate participation in numerous other research projects.

Research groups:

  • Study Data I
  • Study Data II
  • Study Data III
  • Routine Data I
  • Routine Data II
  • HCHE Young Researcher Group

Department of Systems Neuroscience

The Dept. of Systems Neuroscience comprises 12 research groups, of which four are DFG-funded Emmy-Noether (young researchers) groups. Several foci are represented, including the neuroscience of fear, anxiety, social cognition and stress, quantitative MR and in vivo histology, systems of learning and memory, and lifetime neuroscience. To inform more effective treatment or training for different target and age groups, results are systematically shared with clinical partners from the UKE and beyond. The department has access to a 3T research-only dedicated MR scanner and strongly emphasizes advanced MR physics and, e.g., developing new pulse sequences, allowing the assessment of small subcortical brain structures. Regular cognitive neuroscience seminars with international speakers and the graduate school neuroadapt! guarantee state of-the-art training of young researchers.

Research groups

  • Multisensory Perception
  • Lifespan Neuroscience
  • Affective neuroscience
  • MR-Physics
  • Valuation and Social Decision Making
  • Systems neuropharmacology of aversive learning
  • Decision Neuroscience of Human Interactions
  • Fear, Anxiety and Stress
  • Headache and Pain
  • Quantitative MRI and in vivo histology
  • Systems of Learning and
  • Memory and decision making

Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology

The Dept. of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology is specialized on electrophysiology and uses whole-head MEG (275-channel), EEG, and non-invasive recording methods to understand the continuum from normal to aberrant neuronal network functioning (e.g., in schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders).

Research groups:

  • Integrative Neurophysiology
  • Junior Research Group Decision Neuroscience
  • Cognitive and Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Basal Ganglia Physiology
  • Computational Modeling and BCI
  • Magnetencephalography (MEG)

Department of Developmental Neurophysiology

The Dept. of Developmental Neurophysiology is directly involved in the MH-TRN. It is specialized in understanding neural network development in health and disease with a particular focus on miswiring/miscoupling in psychiatric disorders. Optogenetics and chemogenetics (both in vivo and in vitro), electrophysiological stimulation/ recording, neuroanatomy (axonal tracing, electron microscopy), rodent behaviour, and according laboratory equipment as well as advanced analysis methods are part of the Institute.

Research groups

  • Development of neuronal networks accounting for cognitive processes
  • Uni-and multisensory processing and ontogeny
  • Dysfunction of neuronal networks and their early osciallation under pathological conditions
  • Sensory control of the maturation of cognitive processing

Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine

The Laboratory for Experimental Feto-Maternal Medicine contributes to the MH-TRN with infrastructure, expertise, and data (related to the PRINCE cohort). Infrastructure includes a laboratory for immunological analyses, membership of Arck of the Hamburg Centre for Translational Immunology, and a yet virtual institute for which 45 million € have recently been awarded to build a state-of-the-art research building on campus, which will be completed in 2023.


Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

The Dept. of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy has a research focus on various aspects of psychotic disorders, such as delusions, negative symptoms, hallucinations and trauma-related problems. It also includes the University Outpatient Clinic of UHH with 8 therapists who provide cognitive behavioural therapy for psychotic disorders and other SMI combined with a training centre for psychotherapists (PTA), a UNITH institute ( Both the outpatient clinic and the PTA are part of a national data-sharing network of outpatient clinics (KODAP). About 800 outpatients are treated per year (about 25% with psychosis).

Department of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology

The Dept. of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology is specialized in research on critical learning periods and neuroplasticity, as well as deriving effective training interventions of the human neuro-cognitive system. It has several EEG labs, including a lab specialized for children supported by the Federal State of Hamburg.

Department of Healthcare Management

The Dept. of Healthcare Management led by J. Schreyögg offers a specialized Health Economics Master degree. Research focuses on economic aspects of, e.g., ambulant vs. inpatient healthcare, population health, big data and digital health, and health economic evaluation.

Centre for Lifespan Psychology and Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research

Lindenberger is the Director of the Centre for Lifespan Psychology and co-director and initiator of the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research. The institution houses five major laboratories: (1) a 3T MRI laboratory including equipment for simultaneous MRI, TMS, eye-tracking, EEG and bio-signal assessment (ECG, electrophysiology), a sham MRI device to prepare children and older adults for the procedure, (2) a VR lab with various head-mounted devices, controllers, and motion tracking systems, a full-body 3-D body scanner for avatar generation, (3) an EEG lab including systems for simultaneous bio-signal recording, eye-tracking, and tDCS/ tACS devices, (4) a baby lab with a presentation stage for object presentation, eye-tracking, and various camera systems, (5) a behaviour lab (600m2) including computers for various behavioural tests. A second 3T and a high-field 7T MRI system have been granted and will soon be available. The MPIB has also developed a certified participant database (Castellum) that conforms with current German data protection laws, which sets standards in terms of technical solutions, meeting the demands of both data protection and research requirements.